caddy shack let me ask darren

Uhh, Let Me Ask Darren…

We figure odds are good that if you’re golfing with us at TCS you know who Darren is. That, or you’ve heard one of us who is not Darren respond to a question about golf with “Uhh, let me ask Darren” so we’re starting up this new thing where we regularly upload a series of FAQ-type posts related to our HD Golf simulators, indoor golf leagues, etc.

Since we’re halfway through the first week of our Fall 2020 Indoor Golf League, we figured we ought to highlight the top questions we get from new teams. Moving forward, if you’ve got a question about our simulators (have you tried our Laser Shot Shooting sim yet?) or leagues feel free to shoot us an email at! Odds are, you’re not the first to ask it and we’ll probably end up sharing it here to help clarify for others. Teamwork!

Darren Marple, Bar Manager

Starting with Substitutes

Substitutes are allowed in our indoor golf leagues. We don’t need to keep their information on hand for league play (though we will take down information for our online reservation system per current COVID-19 procedures). One thing to note: your sub does not get to have their own handicap; your handicap will apply to their stroke play. Other than that, it really couldn’t be easier. Find someone you’re happy to have swing for you, alert your teammate, and then just make sure one of you makes your reservation for the week! You can play ahead, but you cannot make up league play after the week has ended.


How do we calculate handicaps, anyway?? Great question!

We play Team Best Ball; we use the score from whichever player on the team has the best score (best ball) for the hole. So, say we’re a team and playing the back 9 of Quail Hollow: on hole number 10 (par 5) I shoot a 15 because I am absolute garbage at golf, and you shoot a 7. Thankfully, we get to use your 7 on that hole! Ten is the max score, so my 15 will also simply be counted as 10. One thing to note: we don’t use negative handicaps in our leagues, and we’ll let you ask Darren about why that is.

League Rankings

Everybody wants to be #1, but how do you get the top spot? If once handicaps are calculated and applied (3rd week) your team gets 1st place then you also receive 10pts for that week’s play. The 2nd place team will receive 9pts, and so on until 10th place. Any team that scores below 10th place will receive zero points for that week. Due to the popularity of leagues, we’ll split the total number of teams into two pools after week 3; the top 12 teams will make up Pool A, and the remaining teams will be in Pool B. One thing to note: mulligans are a tie-breaker – use them wisely.

golf tips from darren


Don’t forget, you’re not just playing for bragging rights. We’ll get the first three weeks’ payouts out after handicaps are applied. After that, you’ll have weekly payouts as well as your final league-end payouts.

Weekly payouts for teams in both pools are:
  • $40 for 1st place;
  • $20 for 2nd place;
  • $10 for 3rd place
End of league payouts for teams in both pools are:
  • $200 for 1st place;
  • $150 for 2nd place;
  • $100 for 3rd place

Fall League through October 30th – December 24th

Must complete league play Sunday through Saturday; you can play ahead, you just can’t go back!

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