Casual Cinema Cult Tuesdays is back, just in time for the new year! Catch your favorite cult classic films with breakdowns and more, hosted by Twin Ports Horror Society 🦇 HEADS UP: We will be switching CCC Tuesdays to every other week now, so we can keep a more consistent schedule moving forward. Apologies for any confusion folks! January brings us:

01/07: Caddyshack 2 (1988, Comedy) Haven’t seen enough disappointing sequels from the 80’s? Don’t worry, we got you! A wealthy real estate developer goes up against Bushwood County Club’s snobbish President in a golf tournament! If that doesn’t sound exciting enough, none of the starring cast from the hit original film appears for more than a cameo! This dumpster fire is hosted by Matt R and a friend TBA

01/21: Fright Night Part 2 (1988, Horror, Comedy) Charley Brewster and Peter Vincent return to hunt more blood sucking freaks! This kick-ass sequel has been long out of print and terribly hard to find! Hosted by Cory and a friend TBA