Casual Cinema Cult Tuesdays: Feb/Mar lineup


February/March Casual Cinema Cult line-up is here! Catch your favorite cult classic films with breakdowns and more, hosted by Twin Ports Horror Society 🦇 HEADS UP: We will be switching CCC Tuesdays to every other week now, so we can keep a more consistent schedule moving forward. Apologies for any confusion folks! February/March Casual Cinema Cult brings us:

02/04: The Gingerdead Man (2005, Horror / Comedy) Ever see a movie about a killer cookie? It exists, and it’s just as ridiculous as you think it is! The soul of a convicted killer comes back as a Gingerbread Man and wreaks havoc on the woman who sent him to the electric chair. If that isn’t crazy enough, Gary Busey lends his voice to the titular character to push this one over the edge! Hosted by Matt R

02/18: Candyman 3: Day of the Dead (1999 Horror) In honor of both Black History Month and in respect to Tony Todd’s recent passing, we are humbly presenting Candyman 3! The least seen of the Candyman films, this installment finds the Candyman trying to recruit one of his descendents to join him in his wicked ways! Hosted by Violette W.

03/04: Leprechaun 4: In Space (1996 Horror / Comedy / Sci-Fi) Leprechaun 4 is easily the most unhinged sequel to any franchise ever! The Leprechaun is in space, in the future, and after the heart of a beautiful Princess. Don’t expect a solid explanation or continuity from the other films, but do expect mindless violence, nudity and unlicensed use of a lightsaber! Hosted by Matt R

03/18: The Garbage Pail Kids Movie (1987 Comedy) Based off the popular gross-out trading card series of the 80’s, this film gave the average GPK fan absolutely nothing that they dream about when they heard the movie was going to be made. Sure it’s gross, weird and awkward, but not in the ways anyone wanted. The theme song does kick some serious ass though! Hosted by Cory

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